This is the real reason it is called MOON LAKE. I blurred Adam's "MOON" because Adam was too embarrassed to have his real bum on there. Sorry ladies, if you want to see the real thing, all you have to do is ask.
We had a lot of fun at Moon Lake. I was sick most of the time, but I made the most of it. Noah had a blast fishing, riding his bike, and playing with his cousins in the dirty, dirty campground. And Adam had fun taking Noah fishing, and entertaining the rest of the family with his goofyness.
A Funny story: The second night we were there, I was holding Noah, who was almost asleep, and talking to the rest of the family, when suddenly a tree stump came out of nowhere, and tripped me. I fell and hit my butt on the tree stump, rolled into a little ball to protect Noah, and fell on my hands and knees. Noah wasn't hurt at all, and I wont show you my bruised butt, but here is the damage on my knee. I know, I know, its not the most attractive picture, but Miranda requested that I put one on here, so you can thank her for that!