On WEDNESDAY AUGUST 12, 2009 Noah had his first day of pre-school. His teacher is Ms. Neena, and Noah just loves her. He had so much fun at school, and made some new friends. I can't believe my boy is big enough to be starting school. When I took him there, he just got his bag and ran into class. He didn't even look back. Which was great that he was so comfortable, but I have to admit, I got a little teary eyed when I left. We are SO PROUD of you Noah! You are such a great blessing in our lives!!!

Also on WEDNESDAY, Shayne had her 6 MONTH check up. She now weighs 16.3 pounds and is 26 inches long. Doctor Barret said that she is growing just great. He also said she is quite advanced for her age, because she is sitting up on her own, she stands well, and she uses her hands very well too. Also, she started getting on her hands and knees and rocking. I'm SOO not ready for her to start crawling yet, but it looks like she will be up and away in no time. Shayne, we love you so much.