I was watching Ellen today, as I always do, and P-Diddy was on. He had a quote that he told Ellen. He said "If you are still chasing your dreams, you better run faster." So I thought to myself, Self, are you still chasing your dreams? And my answer was yes, in a way I am. I am staying at home with my children now, which is my ultimate dream, but am I going to be able to stay home with them forever, or will I have to go back to work? I have friends that stay home that keep telling me that we just have to have FAITH that we can make it if I stay home, and so that is what I need to do. Have FAITH that things will work out for us. I need to RUN FASTER and WORK HARDER, have more FAITH that I will be able to stay home with my kids for as long as I need to. Thanks P-DIDDY for that wonderful thought!!
I knew puffy, sean combs, diddy, p-diddy, puff daddy, what ever he is calling himself had inspiring words of wisdom...You can, I know it!!! Ya, sometimes you won't have the most elegant meals, and where the newest styles of clothing, but do everything you are supposed to be doing and keep the faith alive and you guys can and will be able to make your dreams a reality for as long as you want them to be!!! You are the best mommy ever!!!!
I can't believe you are taking advice from P-Diddy. Just kidding, those actually are some great words of wisdom, who knew P-Diddy had it in him?
That's awesome! And we do need to get together, you name it & we'll be there:)
P-diddy is one smart gangsta!!lol!!
Remember that merely having faith, only gets you so far. I have faith that one day I'll be disciplined enough to lose 50 lbs, but is that faith alone going to make it happen? No. You have to take action to make things happen in your life. I think the old church saying is "Faith without works is dead".
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